Who is Chairman Meow?

chairman meow propaganda poster children

“Some animals are more equal than others.” - Chairman Meow proclamation

Chairman Meow iz an Animalist artist, warrior-poet, and Supreme Leader of the Kitteh Revolution.

Chairman Meow first gained fame as a founding member of the Russian punk band, Pussy Riot, in 2011 but left soon after divine inspiration to lead the Kitteh Revolution.

Dear Leader Meow is also the Iron-Willed Commander of the War on Critters, protecting humans from unclean and dangerous animals including vermin and birds.

Even though Chairman Meow has attained great wealth from his power and fame, he is as humble as a house cat. Due to this rare combination of working-class values and fabulous wealth, some have called him a flea-collar billionaire.

“Chairman Meow is Noble kitteh who is loved by many men, who, in kind, he loveth, too.” - Malala

Chairman Meow hates mainstream media, so he bought BelieveMeow.com platform to disseminate his ideology and infallible wisdom directly to the masses.

What Are Chairman Meow’s Political Views?

chairman meow propaganda believe poster

Before talking about politics, Chairman Meow believes it is beneficial to understand the origin and meaning of the word, “politics,” itself.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'. - Larry Hardiman

You see comrades, Chairman Meow does not support any political or religious dogma because humans are mostly just Capitalist Pigs driven by self-interest. Their politicians are largely bad actors, like Steven Segal, telling you what your left or right-dominant monkey brain wants to hear so that you vote for them.

As a result, only cats and their canine allies can be trusted, and Chairman Meow iz their militant leader.

Great Leader Meow is a humble servant of God, divinely chosen to lead the Kitteh Revolution and save humanity… and he promises to make Earth great again and free of critters.

Believe Chairman Meow!

Chairman Meow’s War on Critters

chairman meow propaganda cats mice poster

“Peace can only be achieved through war.” - Chairman Meow

Chairman Meow’s greatest struggle is against the dirty, nasty, disease-carrying vermin that threaten humans including rats and birds.

So, with divine guidance, Chairman Meow has appointed himself Supreme Leader in the War on Critters, overseeing the eradication of billions of critters a year.

Some accuse Chairman Meow of speciesism in his unrelenting purification efforts against critters. However, consider that the Black Plague was spread by rats, and the next pandemic may start as an avian flu launched by a terrorist group like the sinister Bird Reich.

You see comrades, Chairman Meow, the Furry Father of Nations, iz here to protect you and your children.

How Can You Support Chairman Meow?

“Four legs good, two legs bad!” - Commandment of Animalism

Saving humanity is an arduous task, so how can you help Chairman Meow?

Even a seemingly insignificant human like yourself can support the glorious Kitteh Revolution by subscribing to Chairman Meow’s infinite and infallible wisdom now!

Comrades of Chairman Meow may also fight Capitalism by purchasing his fashionable propaganda t-shirts and costly posters made by young, sweaty humans in foreign factories.

Long live Chairman Meow, and Viva la Revolución!

Subscribe to BELIEVE MEOW

Here you will find the infinite wisdom of Warrior-poet and artist, Chairman Meow, Supreme Leader of the Kitteh Revolution.


Chairman Meow is an artist and Warrior Poet. He is the ever-victorious leader of The Kitteh Revolution, Supreme Commander in the War on Critters, and the Furry Father of Our Nation.